I Am Not Ashamed
Yesterday, we celebrated the 4th of July and our freedom as Americans.
These are freedoms that we often take for granted in this great country of ours, but that
many people living in other countries have to fight for on a daily basis.
Part of our freedoms is our freedom of speech and freedom of religion. These are two of the freedoms that we often take for granted here in America.
However, it seems that with each passing day our culture becomes more of the world and less of God.
I recently heard a profound question asked in a worship service. “Are you ashamed to proclaim the name of Jesus?”
This really made me think about the question and if I was ashamed.
I attempt to live out my faith, but I have co-workers that are not believers.
At times it is easy to shy away from my faith, but the way I live my life and conduct myself may be the only testimony they ever have.
I hope that when I stand before Jesus, I can say I am not ashamed.
So, I ask you are you ashamed of the gospel of Jesus?