Asking God to Help find Joy only He can Provide
I was in a Bible Study in which we were discussing the fruits of the spirit.
One of the fruits of the spirit is joy. The sentiment that stayed with me is that joy comes from deep in our soul. Even when our world is falling apart around us, joy is that feeling in our inner spirit. True joy is a feeling only God can provide.
I thought about the movie Pollyanna. The main character Pollyanna, strives to bring happiness to all of those around her. However, there are some that would prefer to dwell in their own negativity and self-absorption. She plays the “Glad Game” in which she finds something to be glad about in everything. She states the Bible tells us “more than 800 times to be glad.”
That’s means that if we were to read a “glad passage” a day for one year, we could read at least two passages of scripture each day.
So in that meeting I thought about all that I’d learned about joy. This led to a simple prayer, “God please help me to find the joy only you can provide.”
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