Wellness Tuesday: 9 Ways to Choose Healthy Options During the Holiday’s

healthy tree




The holidays are upon us and that means Christmas parties and get together’s.


How can we make healthier decisions during the holiday’s?

  1. Choose more fruit and nutscabin
  2. Develop a plan before preparing a plate
  3. Offer to bring a healthy dish
  4. Eat before going to the party so you don’t arrive on an empty stomach
  5. Skip the desserts
  6. Select small portions
  7. Skip the alcohol.  If a drink is necessary, commit to 30 minutes of exercise for each drink.
  8. Have one bite—if a food looks really good, commit to one bite of each food.
  9. Mingle—take time to talk with family, friends or co-workers.  We eat less when we have company to talk with.

What are some tips you use to stay healthy during the holiday’s?

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