Behind the Song: Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting

I had never heard this hymn until recently when I attended the funeral of a dear man of God.  He had served as pastor for several churches before being called to the mission field, where he ministered for more than three decades. The point I found interesting in researching this story was how this song has ministered to other missionaries. […]

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Behind the Hymn: Holy! Holy! Holy!

When I was growing up Holy! Holy! Holy! was the first hymn found in the Baptist Hymnal.  I remember often requesting this song at hymn sings, when I was in elementary school.  I’m sure this was because of the ease of finding the hymn. Holy! Holy! Holy! speaks of the power of the Holy Trinity.  The opening phrase, “Holy! Holy! Holy! […]

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Inasmuch As You Did It To One of These

The other day I was sitting in a restaurant minding my own business. I looked up to find a man approaching. My first reaction was to shy away. His clothes were torn and ragged, his speech was slurred and his eyes were blood shot. He was asking for money. Of course I didn’t want to give him any, but my […]

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