Opportunities are Teachable Moments

Several months ago, an opening came up at work that I would have never considered in the beginning.

Life provides us with teachable moments

But, the more I thought about it I realized I had the qualifications and such a position would be a true challenge.

I thought about it  and listed the pros and cons in my mind.  I was also honest with myself about how difficult it would be to step away from my current position and then I did the most important thing.

I prayed about it and prayed about it and prayed about it.  Then I prayed some more about it.

In the end, the Lord showed me that he wanted me to stay where I was and I was okay with this.

we never know what opportunities may present themselves

However, I discovered there are times when opportunity does strike.  First, we have to pray about the opportunity.   If the Lord tells us to go, then we should go.  And, if he tells us to stay where we are then we should pray.  However, we should be open and receptive to opportunities when they present themselves.

Opportunities are a teachable moment the Lord provides for us, regardless of the outcome.

After all, we are told “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”   {Jeremiah 29:11}

The Lord provides opportunities for us for our own good.  He has a reason when they come along to prepare us for the future.  Even by staying where I am, I learned a lesson about myself and my Lord through this opportunity.

How has God used opportunities to teach you a lesson?


Opportunities presents themselves as teachable moments Share on X

**Photos from Pixabay.com

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