Knowing When to Walk Away

Have you ever had to walk away from someone you love?

There are times when we have to make tough decisions.

When someone we love brings physical harm or tremendous emotional pain into our lives, there are times when we have no choice but to walk away from them.

Sometimes we just have to walk away

This is never an easy decision to make. Only with the help of much prayer, was I able to walk away.

Even after walking away I longed to return, but I knew for my own health and mind set that I could not walk back into such an abyss.

If there is someone in your life that is constantly bringing you pain and discomfort, seeking the Lord.

Remember, “It’s better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home.” {Proverbs 21:9}

Have you ever had to walk away from someone you love because they brought you pain?


Sometimes we have to know when to walk away from those that hurt us #healing #brokenhearted Click To Tweet

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