Devoted to One Another in Love
At the end of this week’s hymn story, I have Decided to Follow Jesus, I mentioned the Jerry Jenkin’s book and movie, Though No Go with Me.
This was a book which resonated with me, as she overcame one obstacle and loss after another.
{Spoiler Alert} In one part of the story, the main character, Elisabeth, slowly watches her husband leave her as Alzheimer’s wraps itself around him. She lovingly chooses to care for him and even once placed in a nursing home visits daily and loves on him and serves him.
For the last three years, I have watched this very scenario lived out before me. I wish I could tell you this happens all the time, but sadly it doesn’t. Too often, I’ve witnessed individuals admitted with dementia or other ailments and their spouse either never darkens the door again or in some cases will divorce them.
However, we had a lady who drove over an hour from their home daily to be sure to be at her husband’s bedside and feed him for three meals a day. She often brought friends and family with her to visit her husband, who was unable to even speak for the last two years of his life.
Shortly before her husband’s death, I told her about this book and what a living example she was.
With a huge smile on her face, she said, “That’s what marriage is. Loving one another through the good and the bad times. He would have done the same for me.”
My heart rejoiced with her. She made a commitment and lived out the promise made in her vows.
I prayed if I ever married again to be both as committed as she was and to have a husband with a heart for the same commitment.
Paul reminded us, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” {Romans 12:10}
Are you devoted to one another in love?