- Everyone wants to be loved, but with the age of social media comes catfishing
- A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they’re not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances.
- With more than 54 million single people in the US, at least half of those are looking for love online
- Men most often lie about their age, height and income
- Women most often lie about their weight, physical build, and age
Tips for connecting online:
- Only accept friends who share mutual friends
- Be cautious of sharing too many personal details too soon
- Don’t talk about love too quickly
- Check their online history
- Be cautious of what they are telling you
- Excuses for meeting you, talking on phone or Skyping
- Check out their friends through social media
- Do a Google search on them
- Looks like a model or claims to be an actor—they may be, but be cautious and check it out
- Ask for money