Wellness Tuesday: Symptoms of PCOS

Last week, I shared a little bit about my struggle with PCOS.  So what are some of the symptoms found in PCOS? Often signs may be found after the first menstrual cycle in a teen.   However, the symptoms become more noticeable after weight gain. Some of the symptoms that are more common include: Acne Weight gain Trouble losing weight Irregular […]

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Wellness Tuesday: The Weight Loss Catch 22

As a teenager, I dealt with issues that resulted from PCOS {polycystic ovary syndrome}.  After gaining the extra poundage, these issues have only been magnetized. Having PCOS feels like a catch 22.   Why?  Well, losing weight is even hard because of PCOS, yet I know I have to get healthy. So what is PCOS?  PCOS is a problem that occurs […]

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Wellness Tuesday: Is the Spirit Willing?

The other day I was reading a book and stopped when I came across a passage.  I had to go back and re-read that passage a second, third…and even fifth time. The passage said “sometimes the spirit is willing but the body isn’t.”   WOW!!! That really got my attention.  There are so many times when my spirit is willing to […]

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Wellness Tuesday: A Wakeup Call

In my day job I work in a rehab center.  We have short term stays with people that have knee replacements, hip replacements and other health issues.  On top of these wonderful individuals I work with, I’ve had friends and family members that have struggled and dealt with health issues due to being overweight.   Watching the struggle these loved ones […]

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Wellness Tuesday: When You Lose Momentum

  With the start of 2016, I made the goal to exercise at least fifteen minutes every day.  I was so proud of the progress I was making.  Until, at the end of January I had a bout of pneumonia.  For two weeks I struggled to just survive. Since, then I have struggled to return to my routine of working […]

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Wellness Tuesday: A Reality Check

The last six months have provided a number of changes in my life.  These have included a job change, move, changes in my caregiving schedule and working a variety of different hours and shifts. All of this has led to anxiety over how to control my weight and eating. While I try to cook my meals ahead of time, when […]

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Wellness Tuesday: 7 Types of Fruits

We’ve been talking about the importance and types of fruits and vegetables the last two months. We discussed starchy vs. non-starchy vegetables. So what are some types of fruits? Tree Fruit—this includes apples, plums, peaches, apricots, figs, plums, cherries, etc. Citrus Fruit—oranges, tangerines, lemon, lime, clementine, kumquat, grapefruit, etc. Berries—strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry Tropical/Exotic Fruit—bananas, kiwi, watermelon, cantaloupe, etc. Compound […]

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Wellness Tuesday: What are non-Starchy Vegetables?

Last week we discussed starchy vegetables. So what are non-starchy vegetables?   These are the vegetables we should be eating the most These are mainly found on the flowering part of the plant. Non-Starchy vegetables include? Lettuce Broccoli and Cauliflower Cucumber Spinach Mushrooms Peppers Onions Tomatoes Asparagus   Many of these are great in an omelet!  Yum! So what is your […]

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Wellness Tuesday: What are Starchy Vegetables?

I mentioned last week starchy vegetables, but what are they? I’ll admit this is one area that I really struggle with and one of the reasons I’m writing about it. Sadly, many of my favorite vegetables are the starchy vegetables. So what vegetables are starches? Corn Peas Potatoes Pumpkins Squash and Zucchini Yams Parsnips Did you know all of these […]

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