Patience in the Change

I have been honest about my struggles to lose weight.  It is not easy and while I have lost about fifteen pounds it is very frustrating when I have so much further to go. At times I feel as if I’m on a yo yo and I will put on a pound or two and then take off a pound […]

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Changing My Stinking Thinking

In 2017,  I only lost 30 pounds.  That’s better than the year before but I still have a long way to go. However, throughout the year the Lord has been changing my stinking thinking. This has not always been easy and there are times when I’ve wondered if I will ever get to where I need to be. I’ve  had […]

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Disguising the Pain

  When the pain grows too intense, I began to notice the desire to eat or munch on treats, even if I am not hungry. When we hurt it is only natural to gravitate towards something to relieve the pain. However,  the emotional eating or shopping spree, only temporarily relieves the pain.  In the long run, it is still there, […]

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A Wake Up Call

  I’ve shared openly with my struggle to lose weight.  I’ve turned to calling out to God to help me, because I’ve proven that I cannot do this myself.  I’ve tried for too long with no progress to know that I am weak. Yet, I know that I am strong when I lean on God. However, God doesn’t always answer […]

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My Wellness Journey Update

For the past two years I have been sharing my wellness journey on my blog.  Along the way, I’ve shared what I’ve learned about health, fitness and nutrition. Next week will be my last post on this topic, but I wanted to share an update on my journey. Last year, I’d made a lot of progress and lost 45 pounds.  […]

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7 Tips to a Healthier Lifestyle

Last week, I shared the benefits a friend of my had found in working with a nutritionist. However, what if you can’t afford a nutritionist?  I’ve wanted to work with a nutritionist for years, but my finances have not allowed me that opportunity. So, what do you if that’s not an option? How do you move towards living a healthier […]

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9 Benefits of Working with a Nutritionist

I have a friend that has begun to see a nutritionist.  I see the excitement in her eyes as she shares the progress she has made.  She even enjoys going to exercise now. Some of the benefits she has shared about having a nutritionist include: teaching her about eating habits discovering what she should and shouldn’t eat. weighing in monthly […]

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Fitbit Keeps Me On Track

Losing weight is not easy.  A lot of the process means having the mindset to live a healthy lifestyle. I have to admit I have not always had that mindset, but I am striving daily to have this mindset. One thing I’ve discovered that helps me is my Fitbit. My Fitbit keeps me on track. The Fitbit is worn on […]

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Wellness Tuesday: What is High Blood Pressure?

While discussing sodium, I mentioned that it can lead to high blood pressure. However, what is high blood pressure? The American Heart Association defines blood pressure as “the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls.  High blood pressure means the pressure in your arteries is higher than it should be.”   High blood pressure is also referred to as hypertension. […]

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Wellness Tuesday: Sodium vs. Salt

We’ve been taking a look at sodium the last few weeks, so as we wrap up let’s discuss the difference in sodium and salt. According the FDA, the words salt and sodium are interchangeable and mean the same thing. The says Common table salt is sodium chloride, which is approximately 40 percent sodium by weight. About 90 percent of […]

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Wellness Tuesday: Where is the Sodium?

According to, approximately 75% of the sodium we eat comes from processed foods and restaurant foods. Food labels cannot claim a product is “Healthy” if it has 480mg per labeled serving or more than 600mg per labeled serving dish. According to the FDA as a general rule: 5% DV or less of sodium per serving is low 20% DV […]

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Wellness Tuesday: How do I figure out sodium?

Last week, we began to look at what sodium is. However, there is so much we still don’t know about the substance used to increase the taste of food. So, let’s continue learning more about this substance. How much sodium do I need? According to the normal blood sodium range is 3.10mg-3.34mg.  We should not ingest more than 2,300 […]

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Wellness Tuesday: What is sodium?

I often have issues with my feet swelling.  This is especially true when I’ve had too much sodium. Often, when I look at the nutrition facts on food packaging I am surprised by the amount of sodium in the dish. We have tried explaining to my grandmother why she has to limit some foods.  Her response when we mention sodium […]

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Wellness Tuesday: Treatment for PCOS

I’ve been sharing a little bit about PCOS {polycystic ovarian syndrome}.  We’ve discussed the symptoms, causes and complications over the last few weeks. So how do you deal with PCOS? Well, first see a medical professional.  The doctor will take your medical history, draw blood work and conduct a physical.  You can then discuss any issues or concerns you may […]

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Wellness Tuesday: PCOS—A Deeper Look

Last week, I shared some of the symptoms of PCOS.  Let’s take a deeper look this week at the causes and complications of PCOS. Medical personnel are unsure of the exact causes of PCOS.  Genetics and hormonal imbalance are the two largest known causes of this syndrome.             Some of the following factors may play a role in PCOS: Excess […]

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