When you are cut off from all you know

While I was in my abusive relationship, I was cut off from my family and friends.

This happened so slowly, that I did not even realize what was happening at first.

Have you been cut off from others?

So, how is a person cut off from family and friends?

  • Refusing to allow any contact
  • Cutting off phone contact
  • Cutting off letters {either through snail mail or e-mail}
  • Cutting off contact in any way, shape or form
  • Destroying your cell phone
  • Canceling your phone plan

This was very hard on me and I believed the lies that my family did not love me and wanted nothing to do with me.

You can break free

My abuser portrayed himself as the only one to care about me or love me, while in reality, he was the one limiting my contact with the world.

During this time, I turned to God, because I had nowhere else to turn.  I discovered much later my family and friends were praying for me.

Eventually, the truth will be revealed.

John 8:32 says, “And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”.

Ask God to reveal the truth to you in the situation.

Are you seeking God during this difficult time?

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