Taking Time to Rest

After work one Friday, I ran a few errands and before I knew it the nine o’clock hour had come.

I wondered where the day had gone. After all, after work on Friday’s is my favorite time of week and I’d been so busy it had passed in a flash.

But, I thought back to the three hours I spent with a friend who wasn’t filling well.  I’d taken food over and we had a nice long visit.

Then a trip to get gas and to the grocery store and finally I was home, and had finished supper and my walk for the evening.

No, the evening did not pass in the way I planned, but it passed in the way I needed.

What do you find restful?

I felt refreshed and not exhausted as I often do by the end of the week.

I was reminded that sometimes I need to take time for myself and to just enjoy life.  The things I needed to get done would still be there tomorrow and I wouldn’t be as tired and in a better mind frame to get them accomplished.

David wrote “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” {Psalm 55:6}

Even Jesus rested.  He told the disciples “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” {Mark 6:31}

If these men rested, then why do I not realize I need to take time to rest.  Do you take time to rest?

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