Life Application Monday: Rebel to Redeemed

What is Rebel to Redeemed?

You will notice that my tag line says Rebel to Redeemed, Sharing HIS Kind of Love. rebel

So what does Rebel to Redeemed mean?

If you look these words up in the dictionary, you will see the following definitions:

Rebel—“a person who resists any authority, control or tradition.”  {}

Redeemed—“to discharge or fulfill”; “to make amends for”  {}


So what do I mean by Rebel to Redeemed?  How do the two contracting words connect? And why is that my tag line?

redemmed The short answer is, I reached a point of great rebellion.  I became the prodigal child, walking away from the teachings of childhood and believing the lies of this world.

However, God did not let me go and he broke me to the point I had nowhere to turn, but to Him.  He was the only one that could help me out of the mess I made of my life.  I had to be broken, to be able to surrender completely and freely to Him and His will and way.  Yet, through the blood Jesus Christ shed on the cross, I am redeemed.

For the next few months, I want to share my story as the prodigal daughter with you.  I want you to realize that you are not alone.  You too can become Rebel to Redeemed.

{Note: I will share the story of Sharing HIS Kind of Love with you later}

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