70 Years from Now

Working in skilled nursing I see a lot of different types of relationships.  My favorites are those couples that have been together for 50, 60, or even 70+ years. But even with each of these couples there are a lot of differences in the relationships. I’ve seen couples that can’t stand to be together. Then I see couples that can’t […]

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Hall of Faith: Enoch, the Faithful

Have you heard of the saying “older than Methuselah”? Well, Methuselah lived longer than anyone and died at 969 years. Methuselah was the son of Enoch. The name Enoch means dedicated and trained, which describes this man described in the Hall of Faith. Enoch is one of only two men who walked with God until they “were no more.” {The […]

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It’s Okay to Cry

There are times when we are hurting that there are just no words to express how we feel. Our heart is broken.  All we want to do is cry. It’s okay to cry. Sometimes tears are the best way to express all of the emotions we have pent up inside.  Crying is a healthy for us.  Research shows that crying […]

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Behind the Hymn: Love Divine All Loves Excelling

Love Divine All Love Excelling was written by Charles Wesley. Charles Wesley was born in 1707 Lincolnshire, England to Samuel and Susannah Wesley. He was the youngest of eighteen children {although nine of his siblings died as infants}. Charles and his brother, John, were founders of the Methodist movement. Often John would edit his brother’s lyrics and words. It is […]

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Armor of God Series: Be Strong in the Lord

Recently in my Bible study, I came across Ephesians 6:10-18 which describes the armor of God.  While I’d read the passage before this time it really struck a chord in my heart.  I’d heard of the armor of God before, but what does it really mean? The book of Ephesians is thought to have been written by the Apostle Paul […]

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Let it go

Let it go, let it go…we all recognize the theme song from Frozen. Recently, I was watching an interview and the actress shared how she’d had a debilitating fear of flying for almost two decades.  God eventually told her to let it go and to trust Him. We all have a fear or issue that we need to let go. […]

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Hall of Faith: Abel, the Genuine

I am excited about this new series we are starting today.  If you turn to Hebrews 11, you will find the Hall of Faith, which begins with many individuals we recognize from the Old Testament.  The author of Hebrews is unknown, but the writer definitely knew about the scrolls and scriptures and lives of these religious giants.  Today, we start by exploring the […]

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Begin with Baby Steps

After two months of hurting and barely making it through each day, I realized that life goes on. I had a loved one that prompted me to move back into society. No, I didn’t jump in with both feet.  Honestly, I took it one baby step at a time. I slowly made decisions about how to being living again. To […]

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Behind the Hymn: Rescue the Perishing

Rescue the Perishing was written by Fanny Crosby in 1869. This hymn became the theme song for the home mission’s movement. Crosby was attending weekly meetings by the interdenominational New York City Mission in July 1869.  A young man was converted through her testimony, which inspired Crosby to write the words to Rescue the Perishing. The title was based on […]

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My Harshest Critic

I am my harshest critic.  There are times I beat myself up for saying the wrong thing or something I did. However, often the other people involved often do not give my faux pas a second thought. I recently heard a speaker say, “we are harder on ourselves than on others.” I know for myself this is true.  I will […]

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It’s Okay to Hurt

Today, I am starting a new topic on Monday’s: Hope and Encouragement for the Hurting and Brokenhearted.  At some point we all hurt or are brokenhearted from circumstances in our lives whether it is the loss of a loved one, being depressed, an act of violence or a number of other situations. It’s Okay to Hurt When I left my abusive […]

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Behind the Hymn: Pass It On

Recently, I heard Dr. David Jeremiah discuss the origins and popularity of this song and it sparked my interest. So, I thought this would be a wonderful time to explore this beautiful hymn. Kurt Kaiser, born in 1934 Chicago, made a career in music as a composer and author with over 60 tunes to his credit, after attending The American […]

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Put Others First

As we wrap up our series on His Kind of Love, I want to share with you the story of two friends of mine. I have one acquaintance that every conversation is about her. Regardless of who is talking or sharing, she always has a better story of that situation in her own life. I recently sat through a meal […]

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What is Your Legacy?

I recently discovered that a great-aunt I had not seen in decades died weeks before turning 100 years old.  I had so many family history questions I wish she’d answered but numerous request over the years went unanswered. I was saddened but not surprised to discover she was not only been mean, but nasty to all of those close to […]

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Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus

Last week, we took a look at the last mention of Joseph by name or reference.  This was when Jesus was twelve at the temple. The majority of what we know about the childhood of Jesus comes from the accounts found in Matthew and Luke.  The two books together provide the large picture we have of Jesus birth and childhood. […]

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