Behind the Song: My Faith Still Holds

This is a very special song to me. With the anniversary of the passing of my Dad, my mind is turning to this song more and more these days.My Faith Still Holds

You see, My Faith Still Holds is the last song my Dad sang as he finished preaching his last sermon. At that time we had no way of knowing that it was his last song or sermon. Only a month later he would leave us for his heavenly reward. But, my what a legacy of faith he left us.

I have to confess that I have a much deeper insight into the lyrics and meaning of the song then I had sixteen years ago when Daddy last sung this song.

My Faith Still Holds was written by one of Daddy’s favorite composers and performers, Bill and Gloria Gaither.

The song was written in 1972 and published in The Celebration Hymnal. contributes the tune to melody called Strong Faith.

I have been unable to find any additional information on the circumstances under which this beautiful song was written or the melody Strong Faith.

I hope you enjoy this beautiful rendition of the song.

In what circumstances have your faith held?

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