Mary, How Did You Feel?

Mary, How Did You Feel?–Part 1

You were such a young girlvirgin mary

When it all began

Sprung from such innocence

Oh, Mary how did you feel?



What was it like to be so young?

To become engaged at just fifteen

Looking to build a home of your own

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



Then the angel appeared to youmensaje-de-angel-gabriel-a-Jose

Telling you of the impending birth

That the hand of God was upon you

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



As you had to tell your family

The ridicule you must have seen

As they looked down upon you

Oh Mary, how did you feel?


Then Joseph was told233

As he thought of having you stoned

Only stopped by the angel in his dream

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



The growth of the child in your womb

As you felt him begin to move

And watched him grow

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



The trip to BethlehemJesus-Mary-and-Joseph

It must have been so tiresome

Wondering if you would ever get there

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



Finding no rooms

Having to make do in a stable

Then your pains began

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



To hold the son of Godfile1871245514707

In your arms that first time

That sweet, innocent face

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



The horses and goats all around

The shepherds as they arrived

As the angels hovered nearby

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



The Wise Men appearing with giftshotel_2413435b

With news that Herod wanted him dead

The flight to Egypt in the night

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



Watching him as he grew

Learning to walk and to talk

The adventure of new discoveries

Oh Mary, how did you feel?Jesus young



As he played with his siblings

As he began to learn about who he was

As he helped Joseph in the shop

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



Then he disappearedJesus temple

In his father’s house

Teaching the priest the truth

Oh Mary, how did you feel?



By Diana Leagh Matthews

Part 2 will post on Easter Sunday 2016


©Diana Leagh Matthews

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