Faithful in a Little

Recently, a friend and I started a writer’s group in our area.  Leading up to the days of the event, we were unsure how many would attend. I must admit, moments of doubt and panic crept in when the fear that only the two of us would attend took over.

Talking with my friend she reminded me of the words of Jesus.  “”Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”  {Luke 16:10}

The Lord reminded me we must start off small and be faithful in that little to grow into more.  This is a time of learning and growth, as well as testing.  This is a time for us to prove we trust the Lord and that he will provide and be faithful.

And when the first meeting was held, there were others there who expressed interest.

Lord, help us to remember to be faithful where you have placed us and to keep our eyes, hearts and minds on you. In due time, you will lead us to the next step.

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