Topic Monday: Domestic Violence Series–10 Steps to Planning to Leave a Domestic Violence Situation

Planning to leave an abusive relationship can be very scary.  There are so many questions and so much fear playing on already frayed emotions.

So how can you safely prepare to leave?

  1. Pray and ask God for wisdom–God helped me out of my situation in a way that only He could accomplish
  2. Financial planning—beginning putting small amounts of money aside to leave
  3. Contact Local Shelters—determine their policies and if they are able to assist youprayer
  4. Contact Friends and Family—is there any one that can provide you with a safe place to stay
  5. Concerns—write out any concerns your may have and the best way to deal with these.  This takes a great deal of thought.
  6. Contact Churches—contact churches to inquire of what help they may be able to provide.  Not all churches have programs in place for this situation, but some do.
  7. Determine the safest time to leave—is this when your spouse is at work?  While he is on a fishing trip?  Taking a trip?   When is he out of the house that you could leave?
  8. Make a list of emergency contacts—who needs to be contacted in the event of an emergency.  Would this be your parents, siblings, friend, etc?
  9. Safety precautions—take out a PO Box and prepaid cell phone.  The post office has to provide an address if you provide a forwarding address.  DO NOT leave a forwarding address.  Instead make a list of who to provide your PO Box and prepaid cell number.  Make sure that none of these persons or companies will give this information to your spouse.
  10. Important Contacts—make a list of places that need to be aware of the changes in your life and any necessary precautions.  Some places to consider are work, school, church, organizations or societies you’re involved with, etc.

What steps have you taken in leaving a domestic violence situation?


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